Monday, March 10, 2008

Alopecia- Stress and Overuse Of Chemicals Can Lead To Sudden Hair Loss

Alopecia is the term used to describe temporary baldness or severe hair loss this is to be distinguished from pattern baldness which is usually permanent. Temporary hair loss may result from trauma, stress or shock to the body's systems be it emotional or mental. This list may include chemical exposure, childbirth, starvation, systemic infection, immune disorders, and use of some prescription drugs.

Damage may also result from chemical treatments over a long period of time such as hair coloring or permanents. A fungal condition called tinea capitis ("ringworm of the scalp") also results in hair loss. The causes of alopecia areata, or patchy hair loss, often depend upon the individual and therefore lifestyle. One recommendation is to get a hair analysis; this is a simple test that you can request through a general practitioner. A hair analysis is an excellent tool to identify specific chemical toxins within the human body, look for a credentialed laboratory and the expertise of the practitioner interpreting the results.

It is also important to evaluate each and every product that you are using like shampoos, conditioner, mouse, gel, hairspray etc.; all of these chemically laced products could make a bad situation far worse. Spend a little more and buy an all-natural, certified organic shampoo this will be your best assurance that you are not pouring chemicals on your head. Regular scalp massages are also recommended to help stimulate the hair follicles and encourage re-growth. To benefit from a relaxing and nourishing scalp massage mix 5 drops each of lavender, rosemary, tea-tree and peppermint. Blend this formula into one ounce of jojoba or olive. Use only a small amount to gently rub into the scalp and throughout length of hair. Cover entire head with a towel and allow mixture to penetrate for up to 30 minutes. You may decide to shampoo and condition as usual or leave in the treatment overnight.

In a randomized trial of aromatherapy several dermatologists conducted a controlled trial. Over eight six participants with alopecia areata massaged their scalps with lavender and other essential oils daily for 7 months experienced significant hair re-growth compared to those who massaged their scalps without the essential oils. Treatment with these essential oils was significantly more effective than treatment with the carrier oil alone.

Want to know what you are made of?

It’s all in a single strand of hair.

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